The Linke Medienakademie e.V. is an official signatory organization of Transparency Germany. On this page you will find our detailed information on transparency. The information on this page is as of 02.01.2024, we strive to update it frequently.
The Linke Medienakademie e.V. (LiMA) is a non-profit association based in Berlin. We teach media literacy to people active in the media and thus support them in their concrete (mostly voluntary) work. The purpose of our statutes is political education and in particular the promotion of media literacy – here you can find the LiMA statutes (German). The information on this page reflects the status as of 09.10.2023, we strive to update it frequently.
The association has 7 board members and 3 part-time employees.
Latest Projects with External Funding
- Organizational development 100XDigital 2024 funded by the German Foundation for Engagement and Volunteering
- Wikileaks and freedom of press 2023 funded by the Wau Holland Foundation
- Implementation of sustainable, low-barrier infrastructure 2023 funded by Aktion Mensch
- LiMA23 2023 funded by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
- Organizational development fundraising 2023 funded by Fonds Soziokultur
- People:Power Conference for Digital Participation and Accessibility 2022 supported by Fonds Soziokultur
- Skillshare in movement 2022 funded by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
- Mediensprechstunde 2022 funded by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
- LiMA22 2022 funded by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Establishment of a low-barrier digital infrastructure 2022 funded by Aktion Mensch
The board members
- Michael Stöckel (Vorstandsvorsitzender)
- Daniela Schmidtke (erste stellvertretende Vorstandsvorsitzende)
- Stefanie Marhoffer (zweite stellvertretende Vorstandsvorsitzende)
- Helge Groß (Geschäftsführendes Vorstandsmitglied)
- Klaus Czernitzki (Schriftführer)
- Ferat Koçak
- Emily Laquer
- Daniel Lücking
- Johannes Richter
- Katharina Schipkowski
- Sarah Schneider
- Lou Zucker
LiMA is mainly financed by project-related funding. The main funders in 2022 were the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and the Fonds Soziokultur, see below. In addition, there is income from the provision of individual consultations and training, ticket income via the solidarity pricing model and donations. Income from memberships was almost negligible in 2022 (see below). A (provisional) numerical breakdown of income and expenditure in 2022 can be found below.
Income and expenditure 2022
Here you will find provisional figures and the largest items. Once the 2022 annual accounts have been completed, we will provide an overview of the total income and expenditure here. In 2023, we gained significantly more members and received donations. Thank you!
Largest income items
- Project funding from the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation: € 60,000
- Project funding from the Socioculture Fund: € 22,000
- Income from consultations and training as a service (business area): € 21.575,15
- Ticket income via the solidarity pricing model: € 23,390.26
- Income from donations € 4020.00
- Membership fees € 1,690
Largest expenditure items
- Salaries: € 62,949.53
- Lecturer fees: € 57,491.52
- Overheads (office rent, telephone, hosting, tax advice, account management, other): € 12,277.33
There is no person whose annual payments account for more than 10% of the total annual budget.
LiMA has medium to long-term debts of € 10,000.
Fundraising 2023
This year, LiMA has received significantly less funding than in previous years. We are looking for funding to implement specific projects for emancipatory left-wing media education. Due to the lack of funding, the team has been reduced to 3 people (2 for event organization, 1 for accounting) and reduced hours in the summer. LiMA is therefore currently intensively developing new projects, applying for funding and asking for further donations, new members and advertising orders for training courses.
Thanks to the strong support of donors and the recruitment of new members, LiMA can cover its basic expenses for 2023 for the time being – additional funding is now needed to implement projects and thus directly support media activists with educational offers.
In order to secure the basic funding for 2023, i.e. to cover running minimum costs (excluding salaries), the following targets have been achieved so far (as of 09.10.23):
- 8,148.57 € donations
- 67 new members
This is a great success for the LiMA community, which has supported us so actively! LiMA is currently applying for further funding and trying to raise donations to implement further media education projects.
The LiMA financing model
From 2023, LiMA’s financing model will be based on the following 5 pillars
(in order of expected relevance):
- Project financing through funding
- Ticket revenue via the solidarity pricing model
- donations
- Contracts for external consulting
- Membership fees of the association
Do you have any questions about the association, the finances or transparency in general?
Feel free to get in touch!
Phone: (030) 29784538
E-Mail: info@linkemedienakademie.de